Monday, September 29, 2008

All Kinds of Fun

Yes, that is Gabriel eating a stick.  Playing with sticks is one of his favorite daily past-times.  He not only eats them, but he uses them as weapons, a broom, and a sword!
Anna loves to swing on her tree swing that Uncle AJ made her!  The joy on her face is unmistakable, and she is very proud to let everyone know that she can swing herself now!
This picture did not come out too well, but I had to include it since they were just so adorable, and to tell you the truth the moments of them sharing and getting along are precious!
Anna and Gabe decided that traditional blocks were just not as much fun as emptying mommy's pantry and building with cans!  They had so much fun and only left a few dents:)
Gabriel just loves to share with his daddy!  Here he is feeding Bob chips and salsa at a very fast pace (not quite captured by the picture).