Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Garden Bears Fruit

As you can see Anna is holding corn, cucumbers, and watermelon from our garden!  Everything is becoming ripe and tasting great.  As you can see princess Anna gives the royal treatment to King Daddy.  I am not sure if he actually got any rest though?  Prince Gabe is just so cute Queeny Mommy had to put a picture of his beautiful smile up:)

Our First Sleepover

Anna & Gabe's friends Michelle & Caleb came over to spend the night for our first kid sleepover.  They had a great time playing in the pool, on the swings, eating ice-pops, and watching movies!  I can confidently say I would love to do it again.  Everyone was well behaved and had lots of fun.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fun in the Sun

You are seeing two of North Carolinas sunbathing beautys! Gabe is modeling the newest fashion in Ducky Cloth Diapers (complete with squeaking beak) gifted to him by Nonno & Nana Libero! We are looking forward to seeing Josiah Roach in his soon:)  Anna is modeling a lovely two piece gifted to her by Grandpa and Grandma Garner!  It has been a very potty training friendly style for Anna:)  The kids just love to play on our porch swing that the Fischers left behind for us when God called them back to Michigan.  But as you can see they rarely sit on it to play, but stand, swing, climb, and basically spend their time testing the strength of the design!

Fourth of July

The red Chuck Taylor sneakers from Laura & Will's wedding were a perfect completion to Anna & Gabe's patriotic wardrobe choices for 4th of July festivities.  Anna loved the fireworks put on in the middle of town, she jumped up and down and shouted with excitement at all of the colors.  Gabe was not quite as entertained, holding tight to daddy for  most of it. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Libero-Hickman Wedding

Mr. & Mrs. William Richard Hickman  looked overjoyed and beautiful on their big day!  Everything went very smoothly and we had a great time celebrating Laura & Will's festivities of two becoming one. Anna did a great job as the flower girl, she even dropped petals this time.  She was a little upset that she could not go back and pick them up, but what can we say she is a little bit of an OCD first -born.  Gabriel was so handsome as the ring bearer and because of his unpredictable energy, he was carried down the isle by daddy, they make a great team! 

Auntie Steena's Baby Shower

We had a wonderful time giving Auntie Steena her surprise Baby shower!  Before she arrived there were many preparations to be made, and Anna and Gabe wanted to help as much as possible.  You can see above that they tested out the Turtle Sand Box top to make sure that it was sturdy, and could be used as a pool for when Baby Josiah arrives!  Anna also read all of Josiah's books to make sure the content was good.  Always the helpers those Garner kids!
Auntie Steena was very surprised and overjoyed to see evryone there to celebrate the pending arrival of Josiah Cale Roach (Due Aug. 24th) Especially Auntie Michelle who flew down from NJ for the occasion!  Gabe did not like the actual party very much, a little too girly for him, but he LOVED the cake!

Backyard Fun

Everyday is an adventure in the Garner backyard!  Anna is now big enough to enjoy the old- fashioned tree swing that her Uncle AJ  made for her when she was 5 months old. Gabe loves to write with chalk (and eat it:) on the picnic table. (The only table in our household they are allowed to do that on!) By far the swings are Anna & Gabe's favorite activity.  Thanks to Auntie Steena and Uncle Craig and a little ingenuity by daddy, we have a wonderful swingset that supplies the kids joy for hours daily.  

First Fruits of our Garden

As you can see from the pictures above, the kids, and daddy, are so excited to see the first little yields from our garden.  Gabe and daddy marvel at our strawberrys and Anna smiles with delight at our first cherry tomato. We started our garden a little late, so we probably have the littlest garden in the area, but that does not take away from the excitement of watching it grow.  Anna wakes EVERY DAY anticipating going outside and seeing how much the garden has grown!