Monday, March 1, 2010

Daddy's pedicures!

Absolutly nothing is better than getting a pedicure from Daddy!

Daddy blows on them to try to keep them from getting smudged.
Anna is laughing because she says it tickles?

Gabe's Haircut

It would seem that a haircut does not need to be blogged. But giving a haircut to our son should be an olympic sport. Despite all of the wonderful strides Gabe has made this past year, haircuts remain more sensory sensitive than he can bear.
Here is Daddy pinning him down, and trying to hold down one strong little boy!

Here is Daddy sprinting around the chair trying to get a jump on this quick little fellow!

Ahh success at last, just hold and let him scream!

And after an hour of hard work, Gabriel can see again!

Homeschooling Preschoolers!

I am blessed to have two wonderful kids who love to do their schoolwork! We even managed to share our markers on this day!
Anna is working hard on learning the sounds each of the letters make! We are currently on the letter "G" for Gabey and Grammie!

Gabriel is working on recognizing his numbers from 1-10!

Mommy just loves days where we get lots accomplished peacefully!

Painting, Painting!

We love to paint! Thanks to Gramie's great monogramed aprons our clothes stay a little bit cleaner, but thats about it! Everything else gets painted!
Anna uses multiple types of paints and glitter glues to make her masterpeice.

Gabe is really into this one, I wonder what he's thinking?
Plenty of paintbrushes to go around!

Painting got a little too messy for Gabe so we moved onto markers!

Fun at Home!

Anna liked to follow the flow of the drain off on the property. Though fun this left us with very wet boots!

Gabe loved to swing in the snow, the bright reflection of the sun off all the white stuff was awesome!

Here is Bage enjoying blueberry pancakes, in our house they are mostly blueberries with enough batter thrown in to hold them together:)

We cleaned out the closet in the guest room and unearthed the Easter baskets. Anna just could not wait until Easter to have her egg hunt!

She even got Daddy out of bed for this one!

More Snow Fun!

The snow just kept coming this winter and we took full advantage! Well mostly Daddy and the kids:)

Anna just loved the snow she filled her bucket to save more for later!

All the fun was a little too much for Gabriel and he fell asleep before we could even get the coat off!